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英语征文演讲稿:Travel, with agency or by ourselves
文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2011/12/27 14:38:42   阅读:2336
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  英语征文演讲稿:Travel, with agency or by ourselves

  精彩导读:Secondly, time. Agencies always arrange your tour into a compact schedual, which maked your travel efficient. And travelling in fixed hours will consequently result in a feeling of being limited. On the contrary, if you travel by yourself, you can divide your ……

  As it is known to all, travelling broadens one's horizon. Recent years tourism has been promoting at an unbelievable speed, especially from the seven-day holiday being carried out. Thus travelling with an agency or by oneself sparks a heated debate. Before presenting my point of view, I would like to look into both the benefits and drawbacks of each approach.

  First and foremost, safety must be taken into account. Experience which agencies have gained contributes to their service henceforth. Compared to travelling with an agency, travelling alone may not has complete equipments and sufficient self-protection awareness. While being confronted with an emergency, traffic or healthy, to name but two, an agency will tackle it better than just one or several persons. For lack of adequate knowledge of the local customs and traditions, some disputes may arise when tourists communicate with the inhabitants. Additionally, due to the dramatic differences in wealth and the superiority complex as well, tourists more often than not look down on indigenous people, which may sometimes arouse resentment and antagonism and give rise to hostility. Participating in a group led by a guide from the agency can avoid both the situations above. Considering this fundamental element, travelling with an agency can generate a smooth journey in comparison.

  Secondly, time. Agencies always arrange your tour into a compact schedual, which maked your travel efficient. And travelling in fixed hours will consequently result in a feeling of being limited. On the contrary, if you travel by yourself, you can divide your time into whatever you like to visit the

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