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文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2010/12/22 17:14:14   阅读:8931
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ven and heaven and nature sing   《听啊,天使唱高声》   Hark! The Herald Angels Sing   —国王学院合唱团(Cambridge King's College Choir)—   Hark the herald angels sing   Glory to the new born king   Peace on earth and mercy mild   god and sinners reconciled   Joyful all ye nations rise   join the triumph of the skies   with angelic host proclaim   Christ is born in Bethlehem   Hark the herald angels sing   Glory to the new born king   Hail the heav´n-born prince of peace   hail the son of rightousness   Light and life to all he brings   Risen with healing in his wings   Mild he lays his glory by   born that man no more may die   born to raise the sons of earth   born to give them second birth   Hark the herald angels sing   Glory to the new born king   Hark the herald angels sing   Glory to the new born king   Peace on earth and mercy mild   god and sinners reconciled   Joyful all ye nations rise   join the triumph of the skies   with angelic host proclaim   Christ is born in Bethlehem   Hark the herald angels sing   Glory to the new born king   Uhhh yeah   (Glory) Glory to the new born king   With angelic host proclaim   Christ is born in Bethlehem   Hark the herald angels sing   Glory to the new born   Glory to the new born   Glory to the new, born king   Mhhh yeah   Sing it

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