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英语征文演讲稿:Travel, with agency or by ourselves
文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2011/12/27 14:38:42   阅读:2335
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scenery you yearn for. Although it seems time-consuming, you will acquire far more freedom.

  Next vital element is money. The expenditure given to the agency includes plenty of feesthat otherwise will cost more. Therefore taking part in the tour organised by agencies id a really preferential choice. However, some agencies may swindle people by depriving payers' rights of knowing the fact and force tourists to purchase goods even if they are unwilling to. The similar circumstance may occur when you buy tokens from local businessmen if you travel alone.

  The fourth major thing is the quality of a tour. During the arranged travel you can't observe a scene long or look deeply into an object. Besides, you usually tend to miss a small part of exhibits. By contrast, when travelling alone by yourself, any scene or object you are interested in is available for you to study for not a short period of time. Nevertheless, unless you are an expert, you will not understand the sonnotations of your targets for you don't have a guide.

  Fifth, accomodation and diet. Guided by an agency you can travel regardless of booking a hotel. Instead, you must do it yourself if you travel alone. Arranged by the agency you have to accept without choosing a hotel for yourself. In contradiction, you can fulfil your own need according to the way you feel is the most comfortable when travelling by yourself.

  Last but not least, you may have entanglement with the administration of your travel destination when you travel by yourself. And similarly, you can haves the exact thing with your travel agency.

  Given the various perspectives above, I hold that if you have a friend who is familiar with travelling around, then you can turn to the person to get yourself accompanied by him or her. Or you should choose anagency of a high fame to help you in case of the unpredictable emergencies.

  Each means to travel is a double-edged sword and you should look before you leap to make a decision.

  Thank you!

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