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文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2017/3/15 12:52:08   阅读:2637
    代笔网-诚信代写网-诚信代写公司承办的网站,专家提醒广大客户写稿要找诚信机构代写,因为诚信,所以相信!24小时求稿热线:18810158858 在线专家QQ:270459459 客服QQ: 315845678
too, have often turned over in my mind the question of books,其中turn over in my mind 意为“在我脑海里翻转”,此处表示“常常想到”,生动!
  2,“…我的所谓藏书”与前文组成让步的关系,增译关联词though,使行文结构更加清晰3,“倘若集中起来,也是一个小小的书城”意即“然而(这些书)加起来的数量也是很可观的”译为they add up to quite a large number though。
  turn over in my mind以及第三点,都显示出了译者不拘于原文,从写作角度出发来组织译文的“境界”,值得学习。
  那年我的工作调到福州,搬家最苦最累的是搬书。到福州数年,“文革”期间我的书幸而未遭劫,及至下放到偏僻的闽北山区,全部书籍都随卡车装去,那真是一种磨 难。两年后忽又调回省城,于是所有的书又装车回到福州。长途漫漫,车上驮着沉重的书,山一程,水一程,书上沾着山野的露水,带着青草的味。直至数年后,那整箱整箱的书又运回上海,重返我离去的地方。以我多年的生命,绕了一个难以索解的怪圈。全靠我家老二的强劳力和灵巧聪慧,才能保全颠沛流离中的旧书。在焚书的年代,保存旧书无异是一笔小财富。
  Years ago, when I was transferred to a new post in Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian Province, the removal of my books gave me a big headache. During the several years when I was in that city, my books were lucky enough to survive the disaster of the so-called “Cultural Revolution”. But, whenI was sent to do manual labour in the remote mountains of northern Fujian, all the books had to go with me by truck, which plunged me into a world of trouble. Two years later, when I was suddenly transferred back to Fuzhou, the books had to be loaded on a truck again fora long ride over mountains and rivers, exposing themselves to the dew drops of the mountain area and inhaling the aroma of green grass. It was not until some years later that the books, then packed in boxes, were at last transported back to Shanghai, the place where I had originally come from. I owe the safety of my books to the efforts of my second son, who is physically strong and bright and clever. Books that have survived the age of obscurantism are without doubt an invalu

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