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会议、礼仪 致辞
文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2010/12/23 15:41:46   阅读:3338
    代笔网-诚信代写网-诚信代写公司承办的网站,专家提醒广大客户写稿要找诚信机构代写,因为诚信,所以相信!24小时求稿热线:18810158858 在线专家QQ:270459459 客服QQ: 315845678
gracious hospitality
  盛情邀请 gracious invitation
  大会 conference
  研讨会 seminar
  座谈会,论坛 forum
  峰会 summit
  招待会 reception
  礼堂 auditorium
  能够......我深感荣幸 I'm honored and privileged to ....
  向...表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢 to extend my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to sb.
  向...表示祝贺 to congratulate sb on sth
  向...表示感谢 to appreciate sb for doing sth
  向大会就......问题进行讲话 to address the meeting/conference on the topic of ...
  我期待着... I'm looking forward to sth/ doing sth
  我提议为...干杯 I'd like to propose a toast to sth
  Annual 年度的
  recognize and honor 表扬并嘉奖
  staffs and faculty members 教职员工
  excel 超出,突出
  scale new heights 再攀新高
  serve... heart and soul 全心全意的服务
  take delight and pride in... 为...... 感到高兴和骄傲
  to observe 庆祝
  take some time out of one's tight schedule 百忙中抽空
  a new millennium 新千年
  countdown 倒计时
  在这月光明媚的夜晚On this beautiful moon-lit evening
  欢聚一堂 to have...with us
  乒乓外交the Pingpong Diplomacy
  时多时少,起伏 ups and downs
  非常牢固的互利关系solid and mutually beneficial relationship.
  为......干杯propose a toast to
  记者会 press conference
  庆祝:to celebrate/observe; in celebration of; in commemoration of
  表示/表达...欢迎/感谢/祝贺/问候/邀请:to express/extend...welcome/thanks/congratulations/greetings/invitation
  硕果累累: rewarding/fruitful/yield high...returns/
  显著增长:... has increased by leaps and bounds/ have a remarkable growth /increase dramatically
  翻两番: quadruple; be/become four times as ...as it was/used to be
  充分发挥: make the best use of .../ give full play to.../ take the advantage of...
  A major consideration: 重要考虑因素
  充满现代活力full of dynamism of the modern era
  喜庆的时刻 a festive moment
  欢乐的时刻 a joyous occasion
  应......的邀请 at the invitation of sb.
  在......的陪同下 in the company of
  代表团的各位成员 m

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