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文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2017/3/15 12:52:08   阅读:2636
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  1,“搬家最苦最累的是搬书”译为the removal of my books gave me a big headache,译者避免了直译的啰嗦,巧妙地将原文意思表现了出来~2,“下放到偏僻的闽北山区”译为I was sent to do manual labour in the remote mountains of northern Fujian,译者在此用do manual labour为“下放”做了一个小小的解释,便于外国读者理解3,“长途漫漫,车上驮着沉重的书,山一程,水一程”将意思整合下,合译为a long ride over mountains and rivers,简洁流畅4,“焚书的年代”,可译为the age of book-burning,,现译the age of obscurantism(愚昧)综述:本段虽长,但语言都比较容易理解,因此难度不大,但若要译得和张爷爷一样流畅,还需要费费脑细胞~这些旧书伴随我一生。在我的人生道路上相伴愈久,依恋之情也愈深。一般说来,私人藏书大致可分三类:待读又不可不读的书,可读可不读的书,不读的书。最后一类最简单,论斤卖掉当纸浆即可。第二类最难处理,大体上总要过目一遍,常常为一本书的去留煞费踌躇。书是有感情的,总是藕断丝连的依依不舍,恨起来快刀斩乱麻统统散掉。我年轻时曾说过,书是最忠实的,只要你不离弃,它永不背叛你。啊,我的书!
  All my books are my life-long companions. The longer the companionship, the more profound my attachment for them. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of books in my private collection, namely, books for required reading that have not yet been read,books for optional reading and books unworthy of reading. Books of the last kind can be disposed of easily, that is, by selling them off cheap as waster paper bound for the pulp mill. The second kind of books are most difficult to handle. I generally give a glance into them before making a difficult decision on whether to keep them or not. Books are emotional and always reluctant to part from me. And sometimes, in a fit of impatience, I will even feel like resolutely doing away them all at once. As I said in my young days, books are most faithful and will never betray you so long as you don’t abandon them. Oh, my books!
  1,“待读又不可不读的书”即“需要读但是还没读的书”译为books for required reading that have not yet

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