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文章来源:互联网   发布者:原创作者   发布时间:2011/10/12 14:38:02   阅读:2017
    代笔网-诚信代写网-诚信代写公司承办的网站,专家提醒广大客户写稿要找诚信机构代写,因为诚信,所以相信!24小时求稿热线:18810158858 在线专家QQ:270459459 客服QQ: 315845678
They have been around since the dawn of time and are a model of evolutionary success: viruses. Viruses are extremely adaptable but they have a problem: They cannot reproduce, so they smuggle(走私,偷运) their genes into suitable host cells. In the case of some viruses, the viral DNA has to enter the cell nucleus to reproduce. This has been known for almost 50 years. We know, for instance, that the adenovirus(腺病毒) disassembles its protein shell in the first step. Just how the DNA is exposed and infiltrates the host cell, however, remained unclear despite decades of research. A research group headed by Urs Greber, a cell biologist at the University of Zurich, has now managed to clear up these points. As the scientists recently revealed in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, viruses use the cell's own mechanisms. The adenovirus latches onto a gatekeeper molecule, which sits on the nuclear pore complex in the nucleus envelope and controls the passage in and out of the nucleus. Another protein in the nuclear pore complex binds and activates a motor protein from the kinesin(驱动蛋白) family, which regulates the transport of substances near the nucleus.

  Virus DNA uncoated with aid of host cell

  "The motor protein is in an active condition, can bind to micro-tubules and migrate along them," says Professor Greber, explaining his team's observations. And the docked virus uses precisely this situation for its purposes. The virus binds to the kinesin and uses the energy of the motor to disrupt its own shell, which exposes the virus DNA and prepares it for transport into the nucleus. The action of the activated motor has another effect, too: The nuclear pore ruptures and becomes markedly bigger, which enables the viral DNA to enter the cell nucleus more easily. Surprisingly, the cell repairs the defective nuclear pore so that the virus breach in the nucleus does not leave any visible damage in its wake. The viral DNA is smuggled into the nucleus practically without

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