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中学生英语演讲稿:to choose, to give up
文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2012/1/7 15:15:14   阅读:2155
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  中学生英语演讲稿:to choose, to give up

  精彩导读:sure, it’s a torture, but we must judge carefully what is more important, then give up the others. don’t think of them any more, just focus all your spirit on what you are doing……

  a poet leads me to a branch road: on one side, there are lots of sweet apples, lovely and charming; on the other, there is a patch of thorn, what hides behind the success of struggling against the thorn is a splendid palace. i deeply know that if i choose the apples, i will give up a precious opportunity of becoming a queen; while if i choose to challenge, i have to say farewell to the apples. which one should i choose?

  just like the branch road, we have to make a lot of choices during our lifetime. it is usually considered that we are choosing what to gain, to own, but in my opinion, we are just choosing to give up.

  choosing to be a teacher means giving up the life as rich as a business man;

  choosing to be a top student means giving up much leisure time in front of the tv.

  sure, it’s a torture, but we must judge carefully what is more important, then give up the others. don’t think of them any more, just focus all your spirit on what you are doing.

  i myself, who is standing here, have already chosen to challenge in such a great competition, so i have to give up ten days of normal classes in school and relaxation without pressure. but i am still pleased, because giving up properly makes me stick to my choice.

  let’s return to our branch road, which one will your choose? i choose to challenge here!




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