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文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2016/12/19 13:53:28   阅读:1540
    代笔网-诚信代写网-诚信代写公司承办的网站,专家提醒广大客户写稿要找诚信机构代写,因为诚信,所以相信!24小时求稿热线:18810158858 在线专家QQ:270459459 客服QQ: 315845678
  “The best things in life are free” is an oft-quote term, but is it true? We certainly think so, especially if you consider the 42 amazingly simple, beautiful, and absolutely free things below。 Each one of them will definitely bring a smile to your face and those around you。
  1。 Calling up an old friend。 You know you’ve been meaning to, and they’d love to hear from you。
  2。 Finally going for that run you’ve been promising yourself。 It’s going to feel so good afterward, even if the process is a little painful。
  3。 Hand-writing a note to someone you love。 Snail mail is a dying art, and they’ll love receiving it!
  4。 Eat a piece of your favorite candy without counting the calories。 It can’t be that bad, right?
  5。 Finally hanging up those pictures in your house。 It always makes me happy to cross something off the “to do” list。
  6。 Reading a good book。 Because life’s too short not to。
  7。 Hugging your kids。 They won’t be kids forever, and once they turn into teenagers, they might not be the hugging type。
  8。 Watching your wedding video。 Because it’s beautiful to remember how your story started。
  9。 Taking your dog on a walk。 They deserve your love and attention and will be exhau

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