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文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2016/12/30 16:19:38   阅读:1516
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There can be plenty of reasons why you may have forgotten to smile. You may be under a lot of stress in professional life or you may be busy overcoming personal issues. Here are a few reasons you should regain your smile right away and get back to being a happy person.

1. To make yourself look beautiful

Applying makeup, using cosmetics and going to the salon for beauty treatments can ensure only a limited amount of beauty on your face. Real happiness comes from within and it can reflect on your face only through a smile. If you want to make yourself look naturally attractive, you should smile and let the radiance beam on your face.

2. To keep yourself healthy

A smile generally connotes that a person is happy. And happiness is one of the crucial elements to staying healthy. Smiling can instantly put you in a good mood and positively impact your mental well-being, which in turn controls your physical well-being. If you manage to have a good temperament continuously, you are likely to keep yourself relatively healthy.

3. To make others happy

One of the important reasons why you should smile is to keep people around you happy. You don’t live in a vacuum because of which your behavior has a direct impact on other people. If you are smiling and radiant all the time, your behavior will be contagious. This will keep people around you happy and smiling too.

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