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文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2017/3/15 12:52:08   阅读:2634
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  Random Thoughts on Giving away Books
  Hei Wei
  乍一听来,“散书”的说法很费解。那天京华老友在长话中说,他们有些上年纪的同行,正在散书或考虑散书。他就是其中的一个。原来“散书”之说,出自一位德高 望重的世纪老人,前辈作家,大意谓少年是集书的时候,老年是散书的时候。是啊,人到老年,有些事不能不考虑该如何处理了。
  The idea of giving away one’s books sounds rather puzzling at first. The other day, my friend Jing Huatold me over the long-distance that some of his elderly colleagues were giving away or considering giving away the books they owned and that he himself was doing the same. The idea originated with a venerable old veteran writer, who said something to the effect that youth is the time for collecting books and old age for giving away books. Yes, getting on in years, one needs to ponder over the question of how to deal with certain things in life.
  1,“偶感”即“突然兴起的感想”或“随机的感想”译为random thoughts即可2,“在长话中说”即“在长途电话中说”译为 told me over the long-distance,其中the long distance =the long distance phone call3,“大意谓”即“大意指”或“大概意思是说”译为something to the effect that,这个表达在第一册也出现过,说明还是比较常用的4,getting on in years意为“上了年纪”如:I am getting on in years and have difficulty getting about.  我已步垂老之年,行动多有不便.
  In recent years, I, too, have often turned over in my mind the question of books though, in fact, my so-called private library is not worth mentioning. Nevertheless, it has kept accumulating in the scores of years of my literary career. Now, piled up in a jumble hereand there in my house,they add up to quite a large number though.
  1,“散书也是近年来我常常想到的问题”译为In recent years, I,

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