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会议、礼仪 致辞
文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2010/12/23 15:41:46   阅读:3336
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会议、礼仪 致辞

  致欢迎/开幕/闭幕词deliver /make a welcome /opening /closing speech/address/lecture
  开/闭.揭幕式opening /closing/unveiling ceremony
  举行烈士纪念碑的揭幕典礼unveil a monument to the martyrs
  为展览会揭幕inaugurate an exhibition
  奠基典礼foundation  laying ceremony
  开学典礼school’s opening ceremony
  毕业典礼graduation ceremony
  开国大典founding ceremony of a state
  婚礼wedding ceremony
  答谢宴会return banquet
  晚宴evening reception(您现在浏览的文章来自中中华代笔网http://www.51yuanchuang.cn/如果您有相关的写作需要,请与我们联系。)
  冷餐招待会buffet reception
  /新年/篝火晚会/spring festival /campfire party
  酒会cocktail party
  宣布…..闭幕declare the closing
  陛下your Majesty
  殿下Your highness
  阁下Your Excellency
  贵宾门Distinguished guests
  尊敬的主席先生respectable Mr. President
  至此….之际On the occasion of
  代表我愿借机会I would like to take this opportunity to
  高层领导人senior leader
  设宴招待To host a banquet for
  代表On behalf of
  承蒙….的盛情邀请At the gracious invitation of
  作为贵国人民的友好使者As an envoy of friendship of your people
  提议祝酒To propose a toast
  有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎It is such a delight to have friends coming form afar
  海内寸知己 天涯若比邻Long distance separates no bosom friends
  友好访问 goodwill visit
  远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific
  东道国 host country
  本着……精神 in the spirit of
  由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks
  友好款待 gracious hospitality
  正式邀请 officioa invitation
  回顾过去 look back on
  展望未来 look ahead/look into the future (您现在浏览的文章来自中中华代笔网http://www.51yuanchuang.cn/如果您有相关的写作需要,请与我们联系。)
  最后 in closing
  圆满成功 a complete success
  古话 an old saying
  周年庆典 an anniversary celebration
  欢迎会 a welcoming party
  欢送会 a send-off party

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