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文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2011/1/24 16:21:10   阅读:855
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  Piers Morgan will quit Britain's Got Talent for the chance to become the first Englishman to host a prime-time U.S. chat show。
  The 45-year-old is within days of striking a ?5.5million deal with network CNN to replace Larry King。
  The broadcasting veteran, 76, has hosted the nightly Larry King Live show for 25 years but, within the last year, ratings have slumped by nearly half。
  Mr Morgan, former editor of The Mirror, is a familiar face on the rival NBC network, where he is a judge on the hit show America's Got Talent。
  摩根先生是镜报的前任编辑,他也是老对头NBC电视网上的常客了,当时他是直播秀《美国偶像》的评委 。
  He has also been a guest host on the channel's breakfast show. NBC wants him to stay and has offered him a show which would be the equivalent of his ITV series, Piers Morgan's Life Stories。
  However, it could prove too hard to resist a deal worth close on ?1.4million a year to replace Mr King,
  A television source said: 'CNN bosses have been desperately searching for somebody to revamp the show. Larry's ratings are massively down year on year - and Piers is just the chap。
  Piers is utterly thrilled by the prospect of the deal and knows that taking over the Larry King show means that something will have to give。

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