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Mail Server脚本
文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2010/1/4 10:19:07   阅读:14417
    代笔网-诚信代写网-诚信代写公司承办的网站,专家提醒广大客户写稿要找诚信机构代写,因为诚信,所以相信!24小时求稿热线:18810158858 在线专家QQ:270459459 客服QQ: 315845678


 This is the configuration script file for our Mail Server. This is configured to allows unlimited traffic on the Loopback interface, ICMP, DNS Server and Client (53), SSH Server (22), SMTP Server and Client (25), IMAP server (143), and OUTGOING TRACEROUTE requests by default.


  If you don't want some services listed in the firewall rules files for the Mail Server that I make ON by default, comment them out with a "#" at the beginning of the line. If you want some other


  services that I commented out with a "#", then remove the "#" at the beginning of their lines.


  Create the firewall script file, touch /etc/rc.d/init.d/firewall on your Mail Server and add:






  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


  # Last modified by Gerhard Mourani: 04-25-2000


  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


  # Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Robert L. Ziegler




  # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its


  # documentation for educational, research, private and non-profit purposes,


  # without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted.


  # This software is provided as an example and basis for individual firewall


  # development. This software is provided without warranty.




  # Any material furnished by Robert L. Ziegler is furnished on an


  # "as is" basis. He makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed


  # or implied as to any matter including, but not limited to, warranty


  # of fitness for a particular purpose, exclusivity or results obtained


  # from use of the material.


  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------




  # Invoked from /etc/rc.d/init.d/firewall.


  # chkconfig: - 60 95


  # description: Starts and stops the IPCHAINS Firewall


  # used to provide Firew

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