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About Resume (关于个人简历-英文)
文章来源:互联网   发布者:中华代笔网   发布时间:2010/1/21 10:07:31   阅读:5493
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The Curriculum Vitae or Resume is a two-minute commercial about you.
It will not get you a job … it may get you an interview
· A summary of your work related information
The employer wants to receive a concise, honest & relevant summary of you. From reading the

resume the employer wants to know:
· What are the skills and personal qualities of this applicant?
· Can this applicant do the job?
· Will this applicant fit in?
You want to produce a document that makes you look as good as possible. At the end of reading the

resume you want the employer to:
· Give you an interview (and after that )
· Give you a job
The Chronological Resume (see example):
· Is the most common and conservative form of presentation
· Is often preferred by small to medium sized organisations
· Arranges your experience and education in reverse chronological order
· Is good for demonstrating your growth and continuity in a single profession
· Is most suited to people who have not had long periods of unemployment
The Functional Resume (see example) :
· Organises the job-related aspects of your background by the relevant functions you performed
· Headings relate more to your skills and competencies than employers or job titles
· Indicates that you are capable of making a significant change in your career
· Is well suited to students who have gained valuable experience through a number of unrelated

jobs and courses
· Uses a common resume style, with which most employers are familiar and feel somewhat

· Is often preferred by large organisations
· Eliminates repetition of job duties
· Camouflages undesirable characteristics such as; lack of career progress or continuity, job

hopping, lengthy/frequent unemployment, lack of required experience/education, age
The Academic Resume:
· Emphasises academic qualifications, articles published, books written (if any), conference

papers delivered, professiona

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