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文章来源:互联网   发布者:原创作者   发布时间:2011/10/12 14:38:52   阅读:2025
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精彩导读:The study involved 68 people who had experienced a severe stroke with need of intensive care treatment including need of ventilation(通风设备) or need of circulatory support. Two groups of 34 were formed; one group with leg-crossers and one with non-leg-crossers. Participants were followed for one year and were tested using several scales to measure disability and independence.

  People who are able to cross their legs soon after having a severe stroke appear to be more likely to have a good recovery compared to people who can't cross their legs. That's according to new research published in the October 11, 2011, print issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. "Despite having severe strokes that left them with slight loss of movement and even reduced consciousness, we noticed that some people were still able to cross their legs, which is not as easy as it seems," said study author Berend Feddersen, MD, PhD, of the University of Munich, Germany. "If this finding is confirmed, leg crossing may be an easy way to help doctors determine who may have a better chance of recovery."

  People who were able to cross their legs within the first 15 days after a severe stroke were more likely to have better independence in daily life, fewer neurologic(神经病学的) problems and lower death rates.

  The study involved 68 people who had experienced a severe stroke with need of intensive care treatment including need of ventilation(通风设备) or need of circulatory support. Two groups of 34 were formed; one group with leg-crossers and one with non-leg-crossers. Participants were followed for one year and were tested using several scales to measure disability and independence.

  After one year, the study found that one person, or nine percent, died among those who were able to cross their legs after stroke compared to 18 people, or 53 percent, who died among those who couldn't cross their legs.

  In addition, both groups were

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